5 Smart Home Gadget Essentials Every Renter Needs in Their Apartment

5 Smart Home Gadget Essentials Every Renter Needs in Their Apartment

1 . A smart battery that upgrades normal smoke detectors

    Instead of replacing existing smoke detectors with a smart equivalent, why not just update the alarms you have? With the Roost smart battery, you can turn normal smoke detectors into smart devices simply by installing the battery. Just pop it in (no tools required) and you’ll be able to get smartphone notifications when the alarm goes off or the battery is low.

    Get a Roost WiFi Battery on Amazon for $31.48

    2. An installation-free smart plug that will save you energy

    “I wish my utilities were more expensive,” said no one ever. It’s frustrating when you’re slapped with a high electric bill on top of your rent, but Wemo smart plugs can help. Simply plug them into your existing outlets, then plug in your appliances. You’ll be able to remotely control whatever is plugged into the Wemo, letting you turn devices off when you’re not home. Hello, energy savings!

    Get a Belkin Wemo Mini Smart Plug on Amazon for $29.99

     3. A smart controller for your boring air conditioner

    If your landlord is nice enough to provide an air conditioner, you can upgrade it into a smart AC unit with the help of the tado Smart AC Control. Install the controller, and just like that, you’ll be able to remotely control the appliance and save up to 40 percent on energy costs. The tado also works with heat pumps!

    Get a tado Smart AC Control on Amazon for $199.99

    4. A kit to turn regular blinds into smart blinds

    Here’s another product that turns your normal apartment fixings into smart gadgets. Once you install the MySmartBlinds Automation Kit, you’ll be able to control your window coverings from your smartphone, setting up schedules for them to open and even putting them in energy-saving mode.

    Get the MySmartBlinds Automation Kit on Amazon for $129.99

    5. Easy-to-install smart light bulbs

    Who needs smart lights when you can have smart bulbs? There’s also no hub or bridge required for these light bulbs, just a Wi-Fi connection. They can even be synced with Amazon’s Alexa so you can control them with voice commands.

    Get TP-Link LED Smart Bulbs on Amazon for $19.99

    These are all great non-invasive ways to upgrade your apartment to save time and energy. Not to mention it makes your apartment more modern and trendy. We hope these Gadget help

    Sustainable Apartment Living: Eco-Friendly Practices for Renters

    Sustainable Apartment Living: Eco-Friendly Practices for Renters

    Living sustainably is more than just a trend—it’s a responsible choice that benefits our planet and future generations. As a renter, you might think your impact is limited, but there are numerous ways to make your apartment living eco-friendly. Here are some practical tips to help you reduce energy consumption, practice waste reduction, and choose environmentally friendly products.

    Reducing Energy Consumption

    1. Optimize Lighting:
      • Use LED Bulbs: Replace incandescent bulbs with energy-efficient LED bulbs. They consume less energy and last longer.
      • Natural Light: Maximize the use of natural light during the day by keeping blinds open. This reduces the need for artificial lighting.
    2. Efficient Heating and Cooling:
      • Thermostat Management: Use a programmable thermostat to regulate heating and cooling. Set it to lower temperatures when you’re not home and higher when you are.
      • Insulation: Use draft stoppers, thick curtains, and rugs to keep your apartment well-insulated.
    3. Energy-Efficient Appliances:
      • Unplug Devices: Unplug electronics and appliances when not in use to avoid phantom energy drain.
      • Energy Star Appliances: If possible, choose Energy Star-rated appliances which are designed to be more energy-efficient.

    Practicing Waste Reduction

    1. Recycle and Compost:
      • Recycling Bins: Separate recyclables such as paper, plastic, glass, and metal. Make sure to clean and dry them before disposal. For more information, check out Minnesota’s recycling guidelines.
      • Composting: If your apartment complex allows, set up a small compost bin for food scraps and organic waste. Learn how to start composting with Hennepin County’s guide.
    2. Reduce Single-Use Items:
      • Reusable Bags and Containers: Use reusable shopping bags, containers, and water bottles to minimize plastic waste.
      • Avoid Disposables: Choose cloth napkins, metal cutlery, and washable dishware over disposable options.
    3. Smart Shopping:
      • Bulk Buying: Purchase items in bulk to reduce packaging waste.
      • Eco-Friendly Products: Opt for products with minimal packaging or made from recycled materials.

    Choosing Environmentally Friendly Products

    1. Cleaning Supplies:
      • Natural Cleaners: Use eco-friendly cleaning products made from natural ingredients. They are less harmful to the environment and your health. Check out local options from Minnesota-based stores.
      • DIY Cleaners: Make your own cleaners using household items like vinegar, baking soda, and lemon juice.
    2. Furniture and Decor:
      • Sustainable Materials: Choose furniture made from sustainable materials such as bamboo, reclaimed wood, or recycled metal.
      • Second-Hand Finds: Visit thrift stores or online marketplaces for second-hand furniture and decor items. Try Arc’s Value Village for local options.
    3. Personal Care Products:
      • Biodegradable Options: Use biodegradable soaps, shampoos, and other personal care products to reduce chemical runoff. Find products at Wedge Community Co-op.
      • Refill Stations: Look for stores that offer refill stations for soaps, shampoos, and cleaning products to cut down on plastic waste. Check out Tare Market for refill options.

    Bonus Tips

    1. Water Conservation:
      • Low-Flow Fixtures: Install low-flow showerheads and faucet aerators to reduce water usage.
      • Mindful Water Use: Turn off the tap while brushing your teeth and take shorter showers.
    2. Community Involvement:
      • Green Initiatives: Participate in or initiate green initiatives within your apartment community, such as communal gardens or recycling programs. Look into Metro Blooms for local green initiatives.
      • Education: Share your knowledge and practices with neighbors to foster a collective effort towards sustainability.

    By incorporating these eco-friendly practices into your daily routine, you can make a significant difference in your environmental footprint. Sustainable apartment living is all about making conscious choices that promote a healthier planet. Every small step counts, so start today and inspire others to join you on this green journey!